Welcome to the home of the Seismic music player!

Seismic aims to fill the needs of macintosh users who love music, but hate iTunes. Its goal is to be a lightweight yet fully functional music player along the lines of Winamp for Windows and XMMS for *nix. Seismic endeavours to use less resources than iTunes but, through the use of Winamp skins, look great and function well.

Unfortunately, because of some of the APIs used by Seismic, it will only run on intel CPU macintosh computers running 10.6 or later.

Seismic is currently in the Alpha stage of development. This means it is not even nearly feature complete and some things don’t work properly at all. It is, however, in a good enough state that I use it as my primary music player, you may like it too!

While I might be able to hack code together and usually produce something that works, I am terrible at graphics. To this end I am looking for graphic artists who may want to help out with original themes and artwork. Seismic really needs an application icon badly. If you would like to help out then please send me a note: icebalm AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net. I want to thank TC Falcon at www.altmusictv.com who agreed to let me use his Winamp skin as Seismic’s current default.

Seismic is an open source application released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.

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